[sh-] Shrek is in [1] front of the [-ai] high school where he is trying to find a 刂 saber that is buried under a pile of 巾 towels that are there on the 一 ground. The high school kids, who hate Shrek because he is an ugly ogre, buried his favorite 刂 saber under the dirty gym 巾 towels. Shrek uses a huge 筛 sieve made of ⺮ bamboo to help him with his task. He tosses bunches of 巾 towels into the ⺮ bamboo筛 sieve that is suspended in the air. The 巾 towels filter through but his 刂 saber is successfully caught in the 筛 sieve. Shrek yells with joy before sitting down and eating an onion to congratulate himself on his great 筛 sieve idea..