to dredge up
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→da4hai3lao1zhen1 • dàhǎilāozhēn
to fish a needle from the sea
fish a needle from the sea, fishing a needle from the sea, to dredge up a needle from the sea, dredge up a needle from the sea, to look for a needle in a haystack, look for a needle in a haystack
這麼 多 文件 裡 找 那 一 頁 真是 大海撈針。
Finding that page in so many documents is truly like fishing a needle from the sea.
在 人群 中 找 他 就像 大海撈針 一樣 難。
Looking for him in a crowd is as hard as fishing a needle from the sea.
找 他 的 家 就像 在 城市 裡 大海撈針。
Finding his house is in the city is like fishing a needle from the sea.