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In our modified pinyin chart, there are some syllables that have no final, which we refer to as a "null final". For ease of typing, we represent it as "-_", but you may in other places see it represented as "-∅". It's a symbolic part of the system and has no pronunciation.





The null final is the most common final, so it makes sense to have it be the most common place: a [-_] house. In our mnemonics we will assume the [-_] house is a free standing house with a basement.
  1. From the front you can see the nice two story [-_] house that seems straight out of an old East-coast American suburb complete with a nice lawn and sidewalk.
  2. The inside of the [-_] house has a nice carpeted living room with a coffee table, TV, and couch.
  3. The basement is a standard cement-floored basement with various things stored down there.
  4. The bathroom is a standard tiled bathroom with a toilet, shower, and towels.

Found In Hanzi