Upgrade to premium

HanziHero generously includes around 100 characters along with all of their associated sounds, components, and vocabulary words within the free tier. That is equivalent to the amount you would learn in over half of a semester worth of a standard Chinese class! For free! 💸

Our reason for doing this is simple: to allow you to try out HanziHero yourself and see if it works for you before committing your hard-earned cash to the noble cause of Chinese character learning.

Unlock thousands of items to learn!

Once you’ve verified that HanziHero is everything you wanted in life (for learning Chinese characters, at least), you can upgrade to premium by paying for a HanziHero subscription.

Subscribing to HanziHero unlocks thousands of additional characters, vocabulary words, components, and sounds for you to learn!

Subscription options

The current subscription options available on the subscription page are:

  • Monthly membership - $15/month (+ local taxes)
  • Annual membership - $10/month, billed annually (+ local taxes)
  • Lifetime membership - $450/lifetime (+ local taxes)

You can read more about our subscription plans and how they work on our documentation page Subscribing to HanziHero.

If you have any questions at all, you can contact us directly via email or the chat widget .